Rocky Rabbit Enigma August 30
Are you also searching for Rocky Rabbit Enigma August 30 then you have come to the right website, you will get to see the Rocky Rabbit Enigma August 30 free of cost on this website, below we have given the Rocky Rabbit Enigma August 30.
Rocky Rabbit is being hailed as the next Hamster Kombat. This thrilling blockchain game operates on Telegram messenger and has already captured the attention of over 2 million users. With a Play-to-Earn model, players engage in battles, upgrade their characters, and complete tasks to earn rewards.
Additionally, Rocky Rabbit has introduced a new feature called Enigma. Solve the passphrase to unlock fantastic rewards!
Today’s Rocky Rabbit Enigma August 30th
Arrange the words exactly like the order below:

How To Claim 2.5 Million Point in Enigma Challenge?
You have 3 attempts to guess the passphrase correctly. Example words: dose, push, glass, sting, etc. Also, remaining time is displayed for your convenience.
To claim the rewards follow these steps:
- You’ll see 12 passphrase words.
- Arrange them in the correct order.
- The first player to solve it wins 2.5 TON coins ( Who acts very quickly to claim! ) and 2.5M points.
- All other solvers receive 2.5M points.